
28 Mar 07:00 PM
Until 28 Mar, 08:15 AM 10h 45m

Maundy Thursday Worship Service at 7pm

Maundy Thursday marks the occasion of the Last Supper, a pivotal event in which Jesus shared a final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. During this meal, Jesus instituted the sacrament of Holy Communion/the Eucharist, breaking bread and sharing wine to symbolize his body and blood. The Eucharist is an integral part of our worship services at Resurrection. Another significant event associated with Maundy Thursday is Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. This act symbolizes humility, service, and love, serving as an example of servant leadership and emphasizing the importance of serving others with humility and compassion. During our Maundy Thursday worship service, we practice foot washing as a way of reenacting this act of Jesus.

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