Leadership Team

The Leadership Team

Church Staff

In the Lutheran faith, the church staff plays a crucial role in supporting the congregation's spiritual well-being and fostering a sense of community. This dedicated team ensures the smooth operation of various aspects within the church, including pastoral care, administration, music ministry, and facility maintenance. The following individuals contribute their talents and efforts to the well-being of our faith community:

The Rev. Miriam E. Sedzro, Pastor: A guiding presence, Pastor Miriam leads our congregation with wisdom, compassion, dedication and love.

Adelita Callwood, Parish Administrator: Adelita diligently manages administrative aspects, ensuring the efficient functioning of our parish.

Keunah Sun, Church Musician: Keunah enriches our worship experience through the gift of music, uplifting our spirits in harmony.

Anthony Evans, Church Custodian: Anthony ensures our sacred space is well-maintained, creating a welcoming environment for all. Together, they

Church Council

The Church Council Leadership plays a pivotal role in the Lutheran Church. They are elected members from the congregation. The council serves as a governing body responsible for decision-making, financial oversight, and strategic planning within the church community. Grounded in Lutheran principles, the council collaborates with clergy and congregants to guide the church in fulfilling its mission, fostering spiritual growth, and ensuring the effective functioning of the congregation. Through its diverse functions, the Church Council embodies the democratic and collaborative spirit of the Lutheran Church, working towards the shared goals of worship, service, and community building. Meet the dedicated leaders shaping the path of Resurrection Lutheran Church:

  • Pat Courtney, President of the Church Council
  • Udom Smith Udom, Financial Secretary
  • Michel Spitzer, Secretary
  • Newton Johnson, Building Liaison

Council Members

The Resurrection Lutheran Church Council members bring their unique perspectives and commitment to enriching our church community. Together, they contribute to the vibrant tapestry of Resurrection Lutheran Church’s leadership. Our current church council members include:

  • Denise Berkley
  • Newton Johnson
  • Jenifer Queen
  • Jackie Schulte 


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