Many Hearts, One Lord
Welcome to Resurrection Lutheran Church, a worshiping community gathered by the Holy Spirit from many nations throughout the world. Our mission is to love and serve God by serving others. It is through this love and service that we live our Christian faith. We believe that we are all human beings who belong to one race, created by one God in his/her image. As such, we are the children of the same God – brothers and sisters. We therefore, welcome everyone to come and worship God and explore our purpose by the creator so that we can all grow spiritually. “Come all those who are heavy laden and I will give you rest; my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Says Jesus the Christ. Come! There is a place for you here at Resurrection Lutheran Church on this side of God’s Kingdom where All Are Welcome.
In the Lutheran faith, Bible study holds profound significance as a spiritual practice aimed at deepening individuals’ understanding of Scripture, fostering a personal connection with God, and nurturing a community devoted to exploring and applying the teachings of the Bible in their daily lives. Bible studies are held at 6:30 PM on Wednesdays.
Food Pantry
Feeding the hungry within the Lutheran faith is viewed as a compassionate and tangible expression of Christian love, guided by the belief in serving others as an extension of God’s grace and care for all humanity. Our church community hosts a food pantry on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month, providing free groceries in cooperation with the Greater Boston Food Bank.
Bible Study
In the Lutheran faith, worship serves as a sacred communal expression designed to honor God, nurture spiritual growth, and foster a deep sense of connection within the faith community, emphasizing the centrality of God’s Word and sacraments in the worship experience. Worship services are held at 10 AM on Sundays. Come and join Resurrection Lutheran Church to worship and give thanks.
Resident Pastor
Rev Miriam E. Sedzro
Empowering, strengthen and facilitate people to find their way back to God.
My journey began in Dzodze, in the Volta Region in Ghana, West Africa. I was the eighth born in a family of eleven children. My primary and middle school education was by the Presbyterians, high school by the Methodists, and sixth form by the Roman Catholics. However, my faith formation started with my parents who belonged to a small…

Worship With Us
Our worship follows ancient patterns whose central elements were established in the first centuries following Jesus’ earthly ministry.
Sundays, 10:00 am
Our Church Family
Living our faith through fellowship, service, and community.